Oil prices have risen drastically, leading to a potential collapse in our economy. But an oil industry spokesman says the oil shortage is a myth. If so, it’s working well for two very divergent groups: the oil companies, who are making record profits, and environmentalists, who want to hasten development of alternate fuels.

In the June 9th edition of the Independent, Steve Connor reports that UK oil industry CEO Richard Pike is saying that there is more than twice as much oil in the ground as major producers say?in fact, there are 1,200 billion barrels of oil available worldwide in proven reserves. Pike claims that big oil companies?which are making record profits?are happy to go along with this misconception, since it means they can keep their prices high.
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There is increasing scientific speculation that some earthquakeactivity may belinked by complex and little-understood processes,but little or no evidence that quakes in one part of theworld may result in seismic activity elsewhere.Nevertheless, since the recent 7.8 quake that devastatedSichuan Province in China, the world has experienced anexceptional number of tremors. The latest is a return ofmini-quake swarms to the Reno, Nevada area. This is thethird such swarm to unfold in the area this year.
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Many of our subscribers have discovered that they’ve become fast friends, despite the fact that they have never even met! Now is your chance to meet your unknowncountry.com friends and make NEW ones: Keep reading to find out how.

Join us at our FIRST Dreamland festival on in Nashville on June 27-29?it’s going to be a wonderful conference in a magical place. Whitley, Jim Marrs, William Henry, Linda Howe and Anne Strieber will all be speaking there, and Anne has promised to hand out FREE copies of her Green Man diary (on paper with a leafy border suitable for framing) to the first 40 people she sees wearing green at the conference.
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Coming SOON: Stan Romanek will tell HIS side of the story! – Subscribers get to listen to international UFO researcher Paola Harris describe the film of an alleged ET peeking through a window this week. She also tells us the HISTORY behind it!

A close encounter witness, StanRomanek, who claims that he has been having experiences with the Grays for many years is about to release a video which he says proves their existence. He showed the footage at a news conference in Denver today.

Romanek took the video in 2003 and Jeff Peckman, who wants the city of Denver to set up a commission acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial life, is promoting it.
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