Who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with love?and is gay love real love?

According to historian Philip A. Florio, very little history is known of Valentine, who was most likely a bishop in third century Rome and was publicly beheaded for refusing to denounce the name of Christ. His feast day was set as February 14 by the Church to commemorate his heroic life.

However, Valentine’s name was not associated with romantic and courtly love until the 14th century, when Geoffrey Chaucer incorporated St. Valentine’s Day into a love poem. The holiday was further made popular in the 19th century, when Valentine?s Day cards were first mass produced.
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For years, there have been contradictory reports about whether or not cell phones cause brain tumors. The good news is that a new study shows that they definitely DO NOT–but they may cause another kind of problem, depending on where you carry them.

A new study from Japan, where they use cell phones A LOT, that proves that cell phones do not increase the risk of brain tumors. Tokyo Women’s Medical University compared over 300 brain cancer patients with almost 700 healthy people, asking them how many years they?d been using a cell phone and how long they talked on it every day. They also studied the radiation emitted from different types of phones.
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When it comes to spring cleaning, some of us have to do it ourselves, and the experts think we should take it easy. Researcher Donna Duberg says, “Ask yourself the question: How contaminated is my house?”

Duberg says you actually can make yourself sick from cleaning by being too vigilant. “People think if some is good, more is better,” Duberg says. “That’s not always true.”

For instance, Duberg says, “Some people scrub their toilet bowl with a product that contains ammonia to remove rust stains, then follow up by pouring down a shot of bleach. They think that extra little bit of effort will kill germs. Actually, they?re making chlorine gas, a caustic mixture that actually was used as a weapon during World War I.”
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How can you tell if food labeled “organic” REALLY IS organic? The US has already lowered its standards for organic foods.

In LiveScience.com, Christopher Wanjek writes that scientists in Spain are developing methods to detect food that has been grown with synthetic fertilizers. This is especially important now that they are part of the European Union, which has strict rules on exported food. Their method uses the detection of an isotope of nitrogen that is found only in organic food.
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