If you simply can’t get enough wonderful books and DVDs, we have good news: there are still a few GREAT items left on our shelves. But we only have ONE left of the following items, so you have only one more chance to figure out how to use your intuition(if you have the gift). And last, but NOT least, find out how our government REALLY OPERATES. And don’t forget: subscribers save an EXTRA 10% on EVERYTHING!

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NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

In Anne’s new diary, she writes about getting older in a totally unique way. Anne believes there are 3 acts to both lives and movies and realizes that she almost missed her own 3rd act. She says, “The FIRST act is for learning, gaining knowledge and acquiring abilities. The SECOND act is for USING that hard-won knowledge and those hard-earned abilities.” And the THIRD act? This will surprise you. Read her new diary and find out!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

On Veteran’s Day, we gratefully remember the many soldiers, who have made sacrifices for us. Today’s rural Americans, however, are making the ultimate sacrifice in larger numbers than the rest of the country. Rural areas account for only 19% of the adult population, but have suffered 26% of the casualties.

William P. O’Hare, of the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire, says, “As we observe Veteran’s Day this year, it is important for Americans to recognize that rural families are paying a disproportionately high price for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
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We now realize that sleep is useful in ways we didn?t suspect, but scientists still don’t really know WHY people need to sleep. They also think that not getting ENOUGH sleep is one of the things that is making our kids fat!

Researchers now say that diets high in fat and sugar may not be the only things contributing to American children’s expanding waistlines. A new study by Julie Lumeng suggests that the kids who aren’t getting enough sleep also may be at an increased risk for being overweight. Scientists found that children who get less than 9 hours of sleep every night are at an increased risk of being overweight, regardless of their gender, race, socioeconomic status, or the quality of the home environment.
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