When it comes to California earthquakes, the Los Angeles basin appears to be in a seismic “lull” right now, characterized by relatively smaller and infrequent earthquakes. By contrast, the Mojave Desert is in a seismically active period, suggesting that seismic activity alternates between the two regions. Seismologist James Dolan says, “When we’re having earthquakes in L.A., generally we don’t have as many earthquakes in the Mojave,” meaning that one area’s bad luck might predict a stable seismic period for the other area?and vice-versa.
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Would accidents be eliminated if cars could drive themselves? Someday cars may fix their own dents. Cars already automatically lock doors when they sense motion and turn on warning lights if they detect potential engine problems. But they are about to get even smarter?they may soon be capable of analyzing human behavior.
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Floods in Europe, a tornado in Brooklyn: Due to global warming, extreme weather may be here to stay. the average temperature in 2006 was the second highest since we started keeping records in 1895. The warmest year on record in the US was 1998, and meteorologists say that there’s a 16% chance that 2007 will also turn out to be a record breaker, once data for the next four months comes in.
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UPDATE – Jim Marrs said it first, then theologian David Ray Griffin said it: The 911 attacks were a either engineered, or “allowed to happen,” in order to push through the Patriot Act and facilitate the founding of the “Imperial Government” and its invasion of Iraq. Now over 150 scholars and researchers are saying it! Maybe it’s time to listen. UPDATE:Subscribers can listen to a discussion about this between Jim Marrs and Whitley on Sept. 8!
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