We know that meditation makes you happier and we know it may actually change the brain. The reason why is may be the same reason that psychological counseling works so well for some people.

In LiveScience.com, Melinda Wenner reports on the theory that if you “name your emotions, you can tame them.” She writes that brain scans have shown that when people label their negative emotions, such as “anger,” “hate” or “fear,” they are much more able to free themselves from the power these feeling held over them.
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We reported over 4 years ago that organic food actually IS healthier to eat. Now a 10-year-study reaffirms that this is true.

In New Scientist, Duncan Graham-Rowe reports that the heart-helping compounds called favonoids are 79 to 97% higher in organic tomatoes. Researcher Alyson Mitchell says this difference is probably explained by the fact that regular, non-organic, crops are overfertilized, with too much nitrogen, because flavonoids are caused by a defense mechanism that is triggered when the plant does not get enough nutrients.

Make sure you know the SECRET of how to identify organic fruits and vegetables!

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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Everyone’s dream is the self-cleaning house or apartment. It happened on Mars, so why not here? This might actually be in our future.
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If you want to breathe easy, be sure to do two things: avoid lunch meat and control your temper.

Researchers have discovered that frequent consumption of cured meats results in lower lung function. Dr. Rui Jiang says, “Cured meats, such as bacon, sausage, luncheon meats and cured hams, are high in nitrites, which are added to meat products as a preservative, an anti-microbial agent, and a color fixative. Nitrates generate reactive nitrogen species that may cause damage to the lungs, producing structural changes resembling emphysema.”

While you are switching to peanut butter and jelly, you also need to know that another new study demonstrates that young adults with a short temper or mean disposition also tend to have compromised lung function.
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