There was either a total failure of the government of the greatest country in the world on 911, or the government was hijacked by terrorists on that day, who are STILL INVOLVED in our government. This is the premise of a powerful documentary called “Loose Change,” and William Henry’s interview with its producers Corey Rowe and Jason Bermas explores it in riveting detail. You can go to the Loose Change website and watch the documentary by clicking here.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

In his new journal, Whitley comments on the news that prominent Brazilian UFO investigator Jan Val Ellam is claiming that open contact will soon take place between humans and extraterrestrials. What do we do if that happens?especially those of us who have already had contact with these beings?

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Brazilian UFO researcher Jan Val Ellam is suggesting that contact could take place between November 16, 2006 and April 30, 2007. He is well known in the field in Brazil, which is also has extensive UFO and contact activity, and a very capable local UFO community. He has said that it will initially consist of large scale and undeniable UFO sightings in many world cities, and limited contact with individuals.

Frankly, I’d be floored if this actually happened, but I do think that conditions under which contact might be an option are, in fact, present, and that hasn’t been true until recently. As I see it, these conditions are as follows:
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