Our genes determine how what shape we are, as well as how fat we get. Scientists can now take a DNA sample from you and tell?without even looking at your body?whether you’re an hourglass or a pear-shape. Harvard’s Ronald Kahn says, “By looking at your genes, we can tell how fat you are and how your body fat will be distributed.”

This means that the current obesity epidemic can be linked not just to an excess of fast food and sugary sodas, it can also be traced to our genes. But no matter what shape we’re destined to be, it’s important to lose weight, because obesity leads to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. People who are apple-shaped are at much higher risk for contracting Type II diabetes, the kind you get from being overweight.
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When it comes to global warming, the earth is being battered by a series of unfortunate blows. Besides the increase in greenhouse gases, which is leading to glacier melt and the dropping down of the Gulf Stream which warms Europe, the amount of sunlight reaching the earth is increasing, accelerating the pace of global warming.

A group of studies by scientists around the world have revealed a significant rise in the amount of sunshine penetrating our atmosphere, that is being absorbed by earth’s surface as heat.
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Jesus died around 30 AD. We know this because Pontius Pilate ran Judea for the Romans from 26 to 36 AD. However, the first gospel to be written, the gospel of Mark, did not appear until around 40 years later. During this 40-year period called "the oral period," there were no known written Christian sources other than Paul, who wrote his letters between 50 and 64 AD, and he gave almost no biographical details about Jesus. He wrote nothing about Judas Iscariot.

Many people watched the recent TV show about the recently discovered Gospel of Judas on the National Geographic channel. The show was primarily concerned with the authenticity of the ancient papyrus document; however, the textural analysis is much more interesting and relevant.
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Anne Strieber has a special Easter message for all our readers, and some of you have even sent her new information about it!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more