Recently George Deutsch, a Bush appointee to NASA, was forced to resign when he tried to censor their top climatologist James Hansen, who disagrees with the official White House line that global warming is not a problem. Now you can read both sides and make up your own mind.

Andrew Gumbel writes in the Independent that Deutsch, who once worked on Bush’s re-election campaign, appears to be a FEMA-like appointee, who put into public relations at NASA as a way to keep the scientists there in line on official government issues such as global warming and creationism versus evolution. He has been accused of keeping the media away from Hansen, who has called for reductions in greenhouse gases.
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Dreamland is now streaming normally. Enjoy!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Non-scientists of speak of “other dimensions” and people who have had UFO encounters often say they think that’s where ETs come from. Quantum physicists call these parallel universes or “brane worlds” (membrane-like places where there are more than the 3 dimensions that exist here on Earth?4 dimensions if you include time). Do these other worlds really exist? Researchers are discovering that they definitely do.
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Because trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen (the opposite of animals and us), it has long been thought that planting trees will help control greenhouse gases. In fact, Italy has been able to participate in the Kyoto Treaty by offering only to plant trees. But now it turns out that trees aren’t a solution, they are actually part of the problem.
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