The new Terence Malik film “The New World” has recently opened. In it, Pocahontas, the Powhatan princess who befriended English captain John Smith and the colonists of the Jamestown, Virginia settlement in the early 1600s, is a lover of Smith. In reality, Pocahontas was more of a savvy political strategist, according to historian Camilla Townsend. Townsend believes that Pocahontas’ actions throughout her life reveal a woman with a full grasp of the plight facing her people, and desire to save them from what eventually befell all Native Americans in the years to come.
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Global warming may melt the top ten feet of permafrost, the frozen soil that stretches across the Northern Hemisphere, from Alaska to Canada to Russia. Fairbanks, one of the largest cities in Alaska, is actually built on permafrost, so this is especially worrying to residents of Alaska.

New computer simulations from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) show that over half of the area covered by this topmost layer of ice could thaw by 2050 and as much as 90% could thaw by 2100. This thawing will increase runoff to the Arctic Ocean and release vast amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. It will also cause ocean levels to rise worldwide, affecting coastal cities and island nations.
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We’ve recently reported that a top Canadian military official has revealed the truth about UFOs. Now Colin Andrews, one of the original crop circle investigators, who has both testified that crop circles were caused by unknown means and claimedthat most were manmade, has revealed that a UK militaryprogram called Operation Blackbird photographed one beingcreated by unknown objects in 1990.
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It turns out that the shape of the glass you’re using has alot to do with how much alcohol you’ll pour into it for a”normal” drink and thus with how much alcohol you’ll bedrinking. According to a study printed in the BritishMedical Journal, people pour 20-30% more alcohol into short,wide glasses than they do into tall, narrow ones of the samevolume, but they wrongly believe that tall glasses hold more.
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