Scientists now know that we share 97% of our DNA with chimpanzees, which is positive proof of evolution. Human and chimpanzee Y chromosomes went their separate ways approximately 6 million years ago. We recently wrote about bee and bird communication. Now it turns out that chimps have a language as well, which they use mainly to share food information, and scientists have now deciphered it.
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Newswise – That’s “lunch,” not “launch”?Imagine building a lunar vehicle and taking it 233,857 miles from the Earth to the moon only to forget to pack a lunch for the drive across the moon’s landscape. The solution: pack a lunch and reduce cargo weight at the same time by building an edible lunar rover.

A group of Ball State University students is working with six grade students from Australia?an unlikely combination?to find a way to build a working space craft made of edible food that is no bigger than 8 inches in length and 4 inches wide. It must have two axles, four rotating wheels and be entirely edible, except for toothpicks.
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British Astronomer Royal Martin Rees thinks there’s life in space and that we’re going to find it soon. He thinks we’re going to find a simple form of life on Mars or on Jupiter’s moon Europa.

Rees reminds us that there are millions of suns and solar systems out there, and some of the planets orbiting there could definitely harbor intelligent life. Is intelligent life common, or uncommon, in the universe? Scientists are divided about this question.
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Legends of the Fisher King in Europe, Peru and China, the Grail Castle and Shamballa as the secret heart of the world, the real location of five chests of Templar treasure–containing not only gold but, more importantly, knowledge–Mark Amaru Pinkham has woven a stunning tapestry together that reveals a fabulous secret as it crosses the world: the great secrets of the past are part of a unified body of knowledge that was the same in Tibet as it was in Templar Scotland or Inca Peru. Then Linda Howe reports on the phenomenal new UFO wave that is sweeping the world–and being totally ignored by the press.

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