An earthquake swarm is being reported by the US GeologicService Earthquake Hazards Program in the Brawley SeismicZone immediately south of the Salton Sea in southernCalifornia. The swarm began on August 28, and reached asustained level of higher activity (quakes in the 4.5-5.0region of intensity) on August 31. The swarm is continuingat this time.

It is similar to swarms that occurred in the Brawley area inthe 1970s and 1980s. In the past, a quake on thecross-fault of the type that is taking place now triggeredmagnitude 6.2 and 6.6 events in 1987. The activity takingplace at present is ten miles from the major San Andreas,San Jacinto and Imperial faults, and shows no obvious signsof destabilizing them at this time.
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Animal feed contaminated with human remains may have caused the first cases of Mad Cow Disease. Previously it was assumed that Mad Cow began when the ground up remains of other cattle were fed to cows as a source of protein. But now scientists believe it may have begun when the theremains of human corpses were imported into the UK to be added to cattle feed. In the Indian subcontinent, some religiousgroups leave their dead unburied for vultures to consume,andit is being speculated that bones may have have beencollected from these bodies, ground up and imported to the UK, where they were added to feed for cattle.
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Governor Rick Perry of Texas made a generous gesture when he offered to house the newly homeless people of New Orleans in the Astrodome in Houston. There were so many people overflowing the Superdome in Louisiana that the dome, along with the city of New Orleans itself, had to be evacuated. But the governor either didn’t realize how many busloads of people were going to arrive or didn’t know how many people could fit into the Astrodome. Fire marshals in Houston said there was absolutely no way 25,000 people could fit in there, so busloads of refugees have been turned back. For these people, there was no room at the inn.
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This firsthand account from a doctor (pathologist) in New Orleans puts an even more “human face” on what we’ve been watching on the news.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more