Something calledMetabolicSyndrome has recently been discovered. This basically meansthat every infant should be EXCLUSIVELY breast fed for atleast 6 months, in order to avoid a future of obesity andType II diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, andtoo much bad cholesterol. But guess what’s being found inwomen’s breast milk?rocket fuel! But you don’t have to be aninfant to ingest this: it’s been found in cow’s milk too.It has also turned up in lettuce, so salads may not be as goodfor you as you think.
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Newswise – Elementary schools are full of sleepy students who are tootired to learn because of lost sleep, due to nightly battleswiththeir parents over bedtimes or staying up late to watchtheir favorite TV shows. A survey of almost 200 fifthgraders found that the majority of them regularly experiencesleepdeprivation and feel tired during the day. Nearly half saidthey had trouble waking up in the morning on school days.It’s the same effect as if they changed time zones every day.

Researcher Denise Amschler says sleep “plays a key role inthe prevention of disease and injury, stability of moodand the ability to learn?Elementary school-aged childrenrequire an average of 10 to 11 hours of sleep each night,and most aren’t getting it.”
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In January, John Hogue gaveus his predictions about what the future would bring in2005. As a special Memorial Day program, we go back in timeand listen to his prophecies again. How did he do? Some ofhis prophecies have come true…and some that haven’t are soscary that we hope they don’t!

For subscribers, Preston Dennett tells some of the mostextraordinary UFO stories you will ever hear in thisriveting interview about the west coast UFO situation. Theyinclude a close up sighting of a UFO in the water by afishing boat crew, a description of a night when hundreds ofUFOs filledTopangaCanyon in California, and an awesome and deeply troublingfirsthand account of a woman abductee who had a twindisappear from her womb, but brought the other baby to term.
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Newswise – The current administration’s almost total concern with thewelfare of Big Business, often to the detriment of theordinary citizen, is nothing new. In the 1950s, baby formulamanufacturers convinced mothers in this country thatbreastfeeding was embarrassing and unnecessary?and the U.S.government went along with this idea. Now we know that thischange is the cause of some of the major diseases of moderntimes.
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