U.S. scientist Charles Townes, who in 1964 won the NobelPrize for physics, has won another award, which will pay himover $150,000 for his efforts to advance spiritualknowledge. How can one man win two such different prizes?He’s discovered what we’ve been saying here atunknowncountry for years: the reason we don’t understandthings as diverse as ETs and the existence of God is thatwe’re mentally mired in a Newtonian view of the world, whenwe actually live in a quantum universe. Some quantumphysicists theorize that, if physical reality must indeed beperceived in order to exist, the universe itself would neverhave come into being without a ‘first perceptor,’ or God.
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We’ve all seen billboards with movie stars wearing milkmustaches, bearing the slogan “Got Milk?” The absorption ofcalcium requires the activity of specialized cells calledosteoblasts, which move calcium into your bones, andosteoclasts. If too much calcium gets into your bones, heosteoclasts move it back out again. Drinking lots of milkand eating foods with lots of calcium in them causes thecalcium-absorbing osteoblasts to have to constantly bereplaced, which eventually wears out your body’s replacementmechanism. Since only osteoblasts can add calcium to yourbones, not making new ones leads to brittle and weak bones.In other words, drinking too much milk can be BAD for yourbones.
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Cyclone Ingrid, with winds measured at 186miles per hour on Monday, is heading toward Australia. Thisis themost powerful storm to hit the Queensland areasince 1918, and among the most powerful cyclones on record.It is poised to strike northern Queensland, and residentsare being warned of its danger. As it approached the coast,it weakened somewhat to Category 4, but meterologists warnedthat, as it slowed down over water, it had the potential toreturn to Category 5.
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Some AOL users are getting notices that they have been’banned’ from our message board. We do not yet know why theyare getting this message, because we have not banned any AOLusers. If this has happened to you, keep reading to find outhow get back on.

1.) Visit the message board2.) Click the “log out” link at the top right of the screen3.) Clear your browser cookies and empty the cache of storedpages4.) Close and restart your browser5.) Visit the message board and login.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more