The Monsanto Corporation, infamous for its efforts to’corner’ water rights and spread genetically modified foodsworldwide, has now embarked once again on a campaign to getinternational approval for ‘terminator’ seeds, which havelimited germination potiential, becoming sterile after oneor two generations.

When terminator seeds were sold to unwitting Indian farmers,the discovery that their crops could not reseed themselvescaused a wave of suicides across the country.

Scientists are concerned that genetic pollution from Terminator crops will lead to killing off a wide range ofcrops and plants, as Terminator pollen and seeds are spread by thewind, insect pollinators, and commercial seed co-mingling andtransportation.
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In its recent issue,PopularMechanics Magazine offers an article ‘debunking’ the ‘911Myths.’ These alleged myths include the notion that therewas something attached to the lower fuselage of one of theplanes, that the Air Force failed to adequately respond tothe crisis, and numerous other claims, including the claimthat Building 7 was insufficiently damaged to collapse onits own, and must have been intentionally destroyed.
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The Global ConsciousnessProject is in the process of developing data that suggeststhat there is a level of human emotion or thought that cancollectively affect random number generators, and that it isat least somewhat predictive of large scale negative events,especially those that are human-generated, such as theattack on the US World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
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This exceptionally beautiful UFO photo was taken with acellphone camera, and is an example of a type of photo thatis likely to appear more often now that cameras incellphones and personal digital assistants that people carrywith them all the time are becoming more and more common.

The individual who took this picture writes: “I took thisphoto when I was driving to work at about 5:00 AM. The lightwas coming from the southwest. The cell phone camera that Iused was a Sanyo 8100. I am not sure what this light was,but I thought it was amazing and I am very glad I had myphone with me.If it helps any, the light looked like it was about 1/4 mileaway from me. I noticed in the photo it looks a lot fartheraway.”
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