Hurricane Frances has left a hundred thousand Floridianshomeless and four million without power, and is nowthreatening to move out into the Gulf of Mexico where itcould regain strength.

Coming on the heels of the damage from Charley, the damagecaused by Hurricane Frances has significantly harmedFlorida’s economy, not to mention the death and humansuffering involved.

Questions are being asked: why did Charley become so muchmore powerful so suddenly; and why is Frances so huge? Andwhy has Asia been slammed by 16 typhoons and super-typhoonsthis season?
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In his newInsight,Whitley Strieber writes: “We have entered unchartedterritory, and things are not going to get better. In fact,the planet will, over the next ten or so years, becomeunable to support as many people as it does now. A diebackof the human species will begin during the next decade?Giventhe geopolitical situation in which we find ourselves, withthe two most important CO2 emitters [the U.S. and China]unwilling to even consider the sort of aggressive andinnovative policies that are needed to forestall thisproblem, we must now begin to contemplate the unthinkable:mankind is going to experience an extinction event. Sadly,this was not necessary at all.”
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We listen to three of Linda Howe’s most popular Dreamland interviews ever. First, Dr. Dan Burisch describes what it’s like to interview an alien firsthand. And Linda has some powerful thoughts about his authenticity. Then Jim Marrs weighs in on the 911 controversy. Over half of New Yorkers believe the government had foreknowledge. Find out why. Finally, Carol Rosin on the stunning reason Werner von Braun was against weapons in space. WOW programming!

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more

Linda Howe cracks the crop circle mystery with this interview with a scientist who has PROOF that a circle in Ohio was made by an unknown means. Do not miss this fabulous, mind-expanding interview. This scientific work will end up in the peer-reviewed scientific press. BUT YOU GET IT FIRST!

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken more