Sloanwrites in one of our newCommunionLetters: “In March of 1995 while asleep I was taken to aspaceship, or what I believe was a spaceship. I was sittingin a type of birthing chair facing a curved, very white wallwith a bench along its surface. I was not able to move andcould not even adjust my peripheral vision, but I felt thatthere were two large entities on either side of me, and thatthere was a large window behind me and I was somewhere inspace. To my amazement, I wasn’t frightened.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

People who become blind early in life often develop greatmusical ability because they depend more on sound. RayCharles and Stevie Wonder are examples of this.

Researcher Pascal Belin asked 26 blind and sighted adults,ages 21 to 46, to judge whether two sounds were rising orfalling in pitch. Some of the blind people had lost theirsight before the age of two, others between the ages of fiveand 45. They found that the blind people who lost theirsight at an early age performed better than those who couldsee, and the earlier they went blind, the better they did onthe test. Berline says, “Early-blind subjects were betterthan both late-blind and sighted subjects at determining thedirection of pitch change.”
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Does reading make you need glasses or is near-sightedness inyour genes? Researchers say that watching TV, working on thecomputer and reading all cause changes in our eyes whichmake us near-sighted. If you know someone who doesn’t wearglasses, they may be carrying a book, but they don’t reallylike to read.

Researcher Ian Morgan came to this conclusion by studyingthe sharp increase in near-sightedness in Singapore, andrelating this to changes in people?s lifestyles. InSingapore, 80% of 18-year-old men who join the army arenear-sighted, compared with 25% 30 years ago. It can’t begenetic, because while 70% of 18-year-old men of Indianorigin living in Singapore have myopia, it only affects 10%of those living in India.
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Scientists have discovered that nearly 50% of the carbondioxide that humans have pumped into the atmosphere over thelast 200 years has been absorbed by the ocean. This meansthat greenhouse gases aren’t as high as they would beotherwise, meaning global warming has been sloweddown?for now. But what effect does all this CO2 have on thefish so many people need to survive?
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