After the Northeastern blackout, we quoted author Greg Palast, who blamed it on NiMo, the merger between Niagara Mohawk and the English company National Grid. Due to recent deregulation, they no longer have to maintain the vast Northeast power grid to earlier standards. Last week, there was a blackout in London, and guess what company controls that power grid? National Grid again.

The London blackout only lasted half an hour, but as in New York, it stranded hundreds of thousands of subway commuters. Network Rail said, “All the services are at a standstill in south London and the south east. There was a complete power failure to all trains and signals out of and into all major London stations.”
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Canada is one of the world’s best places to see UFOs, and crop circles regularly turn up there as well. As if to make sure investigators find them all, a circle that formed in one field pointed to a circle that’s been discovered in another wheat field.

Susan Hundertmark writes in the Seaforth Huron Expositor that the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network says that at least two of the three recent circles are not hoaxes. “I haven?t seen the third but the other two weren’t hoaxes,” says Matt Rock of CCCRN. Rock says the second Cranbrook crop circle wasn’t hoaxed because it’s so similar to a circle found recently in Wallacetown. Also, the measurements are incredibly precise. Both the Wallacetown and Cranbrook crop circles are “dumbbell-shaped,” with two connected more