Even those who are passionately pro-choice may find this new innovation disturbing: eggs from aborted female fetuses can now be kept alive and grown in a lab, for later implantation into an infertile woman’s uterus. This means that even though a fetus has never been born, she can still be a mother.

This may be illegal in the U.K. Suzi Leather, of the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, says, “It would be difficult for any child to come to terms with being created by aborted fetuses.”

Researcher Tal Biron-Shental says, “I am fully aware of the controversy about this, but probably, in some places, it will be ethically acceptable.”
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We recently wrote about a wave of cat mutilations in Salt Lake City. Now Jason Felch writes in The Denver Post that mutilated cats are being found almost every day in Denver. Some of them have even been mutilated before they’ve been killed. Police see a link between the Denver and Salt Lake City mutilations.

“The Utah and Colorado cases are on almost exactly the same time schedule,” says Temma Martin, of the Salt Lake County Animal Services. “Somehow they seem to be linked. The timing is similar; the injuries are similar.”
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