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The magician who calls himself the Amazing Randi is a skeptic who will pay $1 million to anyone who can offer proof of the paranormal. He’s made a career out of debunking psychics, and he’s now investigating 11-year-old Natalia Lulova, a Jewish immigrant from Russia who now lives in Brooklyn and claims to be able to see through blindfolds.
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New technology shows that people often see much less of what?s around them than they think. Tests show subjects miss even major events that happen right before their eyes. This may be one reason why police find eye witnesses so unreliable. During the recent D.C. area sniper spree by John Lee Malvo and John Allen Muhammad, witnesses said they saw a white van, but it turned out no white van was involved. Most people don’t notice their own blindness.
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An article by Ole Rothenborg, translated by Joe Valasek, in the April 11 issue of Dagens Nyheter, Sweden’s largest newspaper, interviewed Middle East expert Khaled Bayomi. Bayomi was surprised when the American soldier complained on TV that the U.S. doesn’t have the resources to stop the looting in Baghdad. “I happened to be right there just as the American troops encouraged people to begin the plundering,” he says.
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