Doctors can’t figure out why Americans keep getting fatter, but Harvard economists can. The obesity crisis is the first time the classic economic model has been proved wrong, because in this case, increases in convenience and efficiency haven’t benefited society. Fat people are starting to accuse big food firms of deliberately tempting them to indulge in unhealthy eating. Class action lawyers are expecting big lawsuits in the future against food manufacturers and call food “the new tobacco.”
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We rely on environmental testing to tell us if our water and soil is safe. Now it turns out test results are being manipulated to the extent that they are almost totally worthless. The Bush administration is putting people on scientific advisory committees who won’t insist on spending a lot of money on testing and regulation. And both private and government labs are faking the results of tests contracted by big businesses.
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We’ve all read the usual year?s end lists, like “Best Movies of 2002,” but how about the most obnoxious Spam? 2002 was a big year for Spam?30% of the e-mail we received were unsolicited ads, and it’s predicted that Spam will make up 50% of all e-mail in 2003. Did you receive some of these messages??
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Peter Levenda, author of Unholy Alliance, regularly reports on UFOs in his adopted country of Malaysia?news that doesn’t reach us here in the U.S.

He writes, “In the Chinese language newspaper Nanyang Siang Pau on January 24, 2003 there was a report of a UFO spotted along the Thai-Malaysian border. It was seen on both sides of the border by both Thais and Malaysians, and was a slow-moving disc-shaped vehicle that passed over the small towns and then disappeared. A resident reported, ‘When the UFO floated past, the sky lit up as if the moon was moving.’
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