?At least the terrorist organization Hamas does. The Palestinian Authority says it has failed to get them to agree to stop suicide bombings. Hamas also refuses to go along with an agreement to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and eastern Jerusalem, because they want to conquer all the territory that is now the state of Israel. Palestinian government Minister Nabil Shaath says Hamas has even objected to their proposal that suicide attacks be limited to Israeli targets in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, rather than areas where Palestinians may be killed, along with Israelis.

Terrorists have their own agendas, which is why they can?t be reasoned with. Hitler had a secret occult agenda, revealed by Peter Levenda in ?Unholy Alliance, click here.
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If you’re the one who empties the cat litter, you’re morelikely to have a car crash. Scientists warn that the diseasetoxoplasmosis can increase your risk of an auto accidentbecause the cysts which form your the nerves and muscletissue could reduce your ability to concentrate. Theparasites live in soil and are carried by cats, so you canget the disease from touching your mouth after gardening orfrom cleaning a cat’s litter box. Pregnant women can passtoxoplasmosis on to their babies, so Daddy should empty thelitter.
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Quorn, a fake meat made from fungus, has now reached theU.S. and it’s making people sick. The Center for Science inthe Public Interest has received reports from 33 people whosuffered vomiting and diarrhea after eating Quorn. A NorthCarolina man broke out in hives and had trouble breathing.Quorn is a substitute for ground beef and chicken and isalso used in lasagna and fettuccine Alfredo.
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Over 2,000 U.S. websites are blocked by the SaudiGovernment, and not just pornography, either. Many of themare cultural information or woman’s sites. “We foundblockage of quite a bit of content beyond political contentand pornography,” says Ben Edelman of Harvard University.”We found the blocking of content about women’s history orsites about bathing suits. So if you want to buy somethingto swim in, they seem to treat that as it were pornographicin Saudi Arabia.” Some of the blocked sites are: The ArabAmerican Roman Catholic Community, The Islamic CulturalLibrary, iVillage.com, Beach Queen swimwear, Warner BrothersRecords and Rolling Stone.com.
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