Doctors in the U.K. have observed the exact moment when a new strain of drug resistant bacteria evolved in a patient. These ?superbugs? are new bacteria that cannot be treated with existing antibiotics. Relatively harmless bacteria are capable of turning into superbugs when they acquire new genetic material from other bacteria that have become resistant to various antibiotics, usually from overexposure to the drugs.

Until now, no one had been able to pinpoint exactly how a regular bug turned into a superbug. This changed when a baby who had been hospitalized from birth because of breathing problems picked up a respiratory tract infection. It was identified as a normal, non-resistant Staphylococcus bacteria and the usual antibiotics were given.
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On April 23, 2001, a gigantic flash of light was recorded by US satellites hundreds of miles above the Pacific Ocean southewest of Los Angeles. The Air Force’s Technical Applications Center issued a press release on May 25 stating that the flash was not nuclear. This is believed to have been the third largest explosion recorded in the upper atmosphere since global satellite observations started 25 years ago.

The blast was about the size of the Hiroshima bomb and sensors detected the sound as far away as Los Alamos.

US satellites regularly detect the explosion of meteors entering the earth’s atmosphere.

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This crop circle was found in Zierenberg, Germany on May 13, 2001. It is the most complex found so far this year, and is unusual for the way the crop has been bent rather than broken, with virtually the only broken stems being caused by observers entering the circle to measure it.

No crop circle skeptic or debunker has ever successfully created a circle which contains bent stems, rather than stems that have been broken or compressed by pressure. The stems in this formation were bent without being damaged.

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Nuclear terrorism is probably a far greater threat than the danger of a missile attack on the United States, but no effort is being made to detect fissionable material being smuggled into our country, and the Bush administration has slashed funding for efforts to help other nations like Russia safeguard their own nuclear materials.

Now that the cold war has ended, there are over 6 million pounds of bomb-grade plutonium and uranium left in the world, and most of it isn?t even kept in secure military installations.

Radioactive materials are missing, border controls are almost non-existent, monitoring equipment doesn?t work and smugglers are common. It?s only a matter of time before a terrorist group acquires the materials for the ultimate blackmail.
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