Federal officials have seized a flock of 234 sheep in Vermont that they fear may be infected with a version of Mad Cow Disease. This is the first seizure of any U.S. farm animals. The Agriculture Department says that the sheep, imported from Belgium, could be carrying a form of the disease.

The sheep were taken to federal laboratories in Iowa, so samples of their brains can be removed and studied.

A second flock of 140 sheep will also be seized. ?We assume they?re coming tonight,? said Linda Faillace, standing in her small barn, surrounded by several dozen sheep. She said she felt ?anger, frustration, disbelief.?
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There are more than 800 medicines on the world market that could carry CJD, the human form of Mad Cow Disease.

In Britain, companies were given until March 1st to prove that their products were free from the disease. But the Medicines Control Agency (MCA) has admitted that there are still around 860 medicines that have not yet been cleared. Clive Everf of the CJD Support Network, said, ?I find it deeply worrying that the drug companies have so far failed to provide this information.?

A spokeswoman for the MCA said, ?The government will consider what action should be taken to ensure that these products comply with these important safety guidelines.?
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An answering machine tape recently given to chemtrails researcher Will Thomas’s Lifeboat News Service includes a message allegedly from the Victoria, British Columbia Airport Authority’s Manager for Airport Planning and Environment to city resident Mark Porter, who had inquired about unusual contrail formations being seen in the sky over the city. It seems to confirm that controversial “chemtrails” are being spread over that city as a joint U.S.-Canadian military operation.

The message on the tape is as follows:
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The missing Mars Polar Lander may have been found by a top-secret spy imaging agency. The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) has been quietly scanning Mars photos, looking for the lander, since it stopped communicating with Earth in December 1999. They think they?ve spotted something, but NASA says it?s too early to tell.

The Mars Polar Lander entered the Martian atmosphere on December 3, 1999. It was expected to make a soft landing on the south polar region, but contact was never reestablished after the probe touched down. A series of efforts to communicate with the Mars Lander all failed.
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