Ariel Sharon has become the new Prime Minister of Israel after a landslide win in the election today. Palestinian leaders have pledged to work with him toward peace, but there is pessimism that the peace process will continue in any meaningful way.

Palestinians said that Tuesday would be a “day of rage.” There were clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli soldiers at Ramallah. The Israel Defense Force sealed off the Palestinian territories and deployed 15,000 troops.

A U.S. Army brigade equipped with Patriot anti-aircraft missiles has arrived in Israel and is preparing for what officials claim is a military exercise that will last 14 days.
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We knew we were going to have a good show last night, but we never dreamed things were going to get as wild as they did.

Israeli journalist Barry Chamish talked about the mysterious death of Alisdair Rosslyn Sinclair, a direct descendant of the Sinclair family who were instrumental in aiding the fugitive Knights Templar after their order was attacked by the papacy and the French kingdom in the fourteenth century.

Chamish warned us that we might be cut off, since he’d had trouble on other radio shows and he suspected his calls were being tampered with.
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Brian Barrett, a victim of terminal brain cancer, believes his tumor was caused by his cell phone and says that the CAT scan of his brain shows that his tumor exactly matches the area of the radiation penetration from a cell phone antenna. He is bringing a lawsuit against the cell phone industry.

“I was an active cell phone user for many years, since the ’90s, mid-1994, and still use it but in an entirely different way because of what happened,” he says. “My billing would be a thousand, over 2,000 minutes per month.” He now uses a model with a separate ear piece.

“Brian’s case is very similar to over 100 potential plaintiffs we’ve spoken to around the country and in Europe,” says his lawyer, Joanne Suder. “We see a pattern here.”
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When we think about traveling to Mars, we forget about one of the biggestproblems we’ll have: how to take along enough food.

Food is heavy and carrying all that weight so far costs money. It could costas much as $53,000 to launch a pound of food into deep space. Eating anapple in space could cost $22,000. Astronauts on the International SpaceStation eat a diet of mostly freeze-dried foods, to which they add water.

A freeze-dried diet would be hard to stomach over the many years it wouldtake to make a round trip to Mars, so scientists are trying to figure outhow to make some favorite foods space-worthy.
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