This crop circle appeared on July 22nd in Avebury Trusloe near Avebury, Wiltshire on July 22nd. This phenomenally complex and beautiful formation joins a number of others that have appeared this season that are so intricately constructed that they would seem beyond the skill of even the most spectacular hoaxer, and impossible to create without continuous observation from above. The crop circle makers are creating an event in the fields of England that appears to be separating interested parties into two camps: those who accept that they are a genuine mystery; and those who are emotionally unable to face that fact. Science and the media continue to be unable to face the awesome reality that is unfolding before us.
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It now appears that an epidemic of human mad cow disease is in its initial stages in Great Britian. If this is true, experts estimate that as many as 500,000 Britons could die of the disease over the next 30 years. Fourteen Britons have died of the disease this year, and five others are dying of it. “I am worried about this year’s figures,” Dr. Roy Anderson, a zoologist from Oxford who has studied the epidemic, told the London Independent this week. He explained that the disease has a long incubation period, and that cases being seen now were caused by exposure to contaminated beef in the early 1980s. Later, cases start appearing in a trickle, rising slightly each year until the rate of increase become exponential. “That’s what you expect in an epidemic,” Dr. Anderson said.
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A red UFO of a type that was christened “Bubba” during the many hundreds of sightings that took place in Gulf Breeze, Florida has appeared five times in recent nights over Phoenix. If you live in the Phoenix area, you can participate in the skywatch and report your observation. To report, call the National UFO Reporting Center at 206-722-3000.

To participate in the skywatch, you need a video camera. Should you see the UFO (it is a bright, extremely red light and it may engage in extraordinary manuevers, emit rings or change colors) tape it preferably using a tripod. Do not use digital zoom, and set your focus on infinity rather than use autofocus. After your sighting, take a wide-angle reference shot from exactly the same position.
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Despite a massive effort by the government and its train of media supplicants–CNN, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post and all the usual suspects–the TWA Flight 800 mystery will not die. On July 17, after a news conference staged by relatives and witnesses, left the media bandwagon and joined the New York Observer, which has been critical of the NTSB investigation from the beginning, in raising questions about the official story. Philip Weiss of the Observer has consistently published articles questioning the official story. On July 12, 1999, he published an article about the so-called “30-knot track,” a radar track of a boat that has never been identified. This boat moved away from directly under Flight 800 at high more