Reuters, CNN – The British government plans to compel stores selling cell phones to give customers written health warnings. The proposed pamphlet would explain that current research is going on to establish safety guidelines for cell phones and they should be used with caution until all results are in.

Scientists in the U.K. have found that children who use cell phones have memory loss, sleeping disorders and headaches, according to research published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet.
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Reuters – IBM announced that it has sold the U.S. Air Force a supercomputer to help it identify unidentified flying objects.

The Air Force?s Space Surveillance Team, based in Maui, Hawaii, will use the supercomputer to hunt for old satellites, foreign spacecraft and space debris, although USAF Space Command claims to have these objects under constant tracking surveillance.

However, the new computer will greatly increase the Air Force’s ability to track objects. It will be capable of tracking and identifying ultra high speed objects, for example, as well as unknown objects incoming from space, which present systems are not designed to do.
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Rats that are given small doses of a common pesticide develop symptoms that are eerily similar to Parkinson?s Disease. “It?s a very provocative study,” says Abraham Lieberman, medical director of the National Parkinson Foundation in Miami.

While genetic factors are thought to be the cause of Parkinson?s in people under 50, this isn?t true for late-onset Parkinson?s, which is the most common form of the disease, so researchers have looked for environmental causes.
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On November 26, Dreamland ran a program with Ben Lilliston of the Institute for Agricultural and Trade policy. Mr. Lilliston, co-author of Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide For Consumers, advocates testing, control and labeling of genetically altered foods. This is the only guide in the world that you can take with you into the grocery store and use to help minimize your exposure to genfoods.
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