Does your birth date determine your future–your personality, or physical or mental health? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). According to a new study, the season in which you are born may affect everything from your eyesight to your eating habits and overall health later in life.

For instance, spring babies are more likely to suffer from anorexia nervosa as adults. In, Jennifer Welsh quotes researcher Lahiru Handunnetthi as saying, "We found an excess of anorexia births in the spring months compared to the general population. The idea is that there is some sort of risk factor that varies seasonally with anorexia."

The study reveals that 8 out of every 100 people born between March and June had anorexia compared with 7% of those without anorexia. Other birthday related problems include schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, food and other allergies and Type 1 diabetes. Your birth date has an effect on how long you’re likely to live–Leukemia has been linked to being born in the spring, with a peak in April. Even eyesight is affected: Nearsightedness is highest for babies born in the summer months These diseases could be linked to some environmental influence during gestation or the first few months of life, although researchers aren’t sure what that could be.

We’re looking for a peak in JUNE, when we hold our delightful Dreamland Festival! Lots of folks are coming–in fact, we’re almost sold out–so if YOU want to be one of them, get your tickets today!

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