It’s well known that when hurricanes hit land, there’s a risk that tornadoes may form in the area. Tornadoes that occur from hurricanes moving inland from the Gulf Coast are increasing in frequency, reflecting an increase in size and frequency among large hurricanes that make landfall from the Gulf of Mexico. We hear news about hurricanes hitting states like Florida and Louisiana, but for some reason, they never seem to land in California. The only hurricane every to have hit California landed in 1858, and now scientists know why they’re so rare.

This is because the conditions in the ocean and the atmosphere send hurricanes that originate in the Atlantic toward land and hurricanes that originate in the Pacific away from land (thus away from California). In, Andrea Thompson quotes weather researcher Dennis Felgen as saying, “The vast majority of them just go out to sea.”

Although these storms can turn up in unlikely places, this is a relief for the residences of that state, who already have earthquakes to contend with.

No hurricanes in the California desert, just lots of fun! You can join us for some of it when we hold our Stargate Conference in Joshua Tree on October 16-18! Subscribers have a coupon that gives them $25 off!

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