An increasing number of people die from unintentional home injury, in large part due to accidental drug overdose.

Older adults and infants have the highest rates of death from unintentional home injury. More than 30,000 such deaths occurred between 2000 and 2008.

Researcher Carol W. Runyan says, "Falls continue to be the major source of fatal home injury in older adults and suffocation the leading cause for infants. The increases in poisoning, largely due to prescription pain medication, have been most dramatic over the past decade, signaling a need to rethink how pain medications are prescribed and used.

Researcher Karen Mack says, "These injuries are predictable and preventable."

Here’s something ELSE that’s preventable: The end of your favorite website! Here’s something that shocks us: how FEW of the readers and Dreamland listeners (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) who claim to love us so much are willing to support us. It costs about $4 a month (less than a single latte at your local coffee franchise) to give us the help we need, so think about it–then subscribe today!

Come to our extraordinary Revelations Nashville Symposium, May 17-19–a weekend with three of the most extraordinary thinkers in the world. Each speaker performs two events, and Graham Hancock is going to talk about drugs: Altered States and Parallel Realms AND Our Lost Past.

William Henry will talk about the Next Human: Transhuman or Transfigured AND the Judgment Day Device.
Whitley Strieber will speak about the Visitors and the Soul AND Meditation for Contact.
To get your tickets, click here. The price includes breakfast Saturday and Sunday and lunch on Saturday.

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