Many things can cause a species to disappear: including poaching (for food or medicine) and habitat destruction. It turns out that one of these things is NOT war.

Aerial surveys by the Wildlife Conservation Society confirm the existence of more than 1.2 million white-eared kob, tiang antelope and Mongalla gazelle in Southern Sudan, where wildlife was thought to have vanished as a result of decades-long conflict. Despite the war, some species of wildlife in Southern Sudan, last surveyed more than 25 years ago, have not only survived but have thrived. Is this because humans are too busy fighting to hunt?

Conservationist J. Michael Fay says, “I have never seen wildlife like that, in such numbers, not even when flying over the mass migrations of the Serengeti. This could represent the biggest migration of large mammals on earth.” His team also reports spotting an estimated 8,000 elephants.

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