We all know that exercise is important, but swimming in a chemically-treated pool may lead to asthma and even bladder cancer. This could be serious, since there are over 400 million swimmers in these pools in the US every year, and negative outcomes can occur when disinfection byproducts form reactions with organic matter in pool water.

And there is always organic matter in a pool–even if the water looks clear. Science Daily quotes geneticist Michael Plewa as saying, "All sources of water possess organic matter that comes from decaying leaves, microbes and other dead life forms. In addition to organic matter and disinfectants, pool waters contain sweat, hair, skin, urine, and consumer products such as cosmetics and sunscreens from swimmers."

These consumer products are often nitrogen-rich, causing concern that they may contribute to the generation of nitrogenous disinfection byproducts. When mixed with disinfectants, these products may become chemically modified and converted into more toxic agents. These disinfection byproducts can mutate genes, induce birth defects, accelerate the aging process, cause respiratory ailments, and even induce cancer after long-term exposures.

Plewa says, "Care should be taken in selecting disinfectants to treat recreational pool water. The data suggest that brominating agents should be avoided as disinfectants of recreational pool water. The best method to treat pool waters is a combination of UV treatment with chlorine as compared to chlorination alone."

In her famous diet book "What I Learned From the Fat Years," Anne Strieber (who developed this diet using scientific principles and lost 100 pounds) tells us how to eat, but she also emphasizes exercise, in her chapter titled "The Tyranny of the Body." You don’t have join a gym or be athletic to be fit–she explains that WALKING is the best way to exercise–and it not only exercises the body, it’s good for the brain!

And if you love to bask in the sun, come to the delightful city of Nashville in May, when we hold our popular Dreamland Festival. It’s a place filled with sunshine and music and–while WE’RE there–great INFORMATION! (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show and they ALSO save 10% on Festival tickets!)

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