Mark Olson writes: A new sighting of a Triangular object hasbeen videotaped over Sonora, CA on August 8! (NOTE: this isthe day after Mark’s interview was posted on thesubscribersection). Video clips of the object have been posted on theSonora website on theJULY& AUGUST CLIPS page.

This object was videotaped on separate Sony Camcorders, oneon Hi-8 using a tripod, the other on a hand-held Digital.there are comparison clips from both theHi-8 Camcorder (Clip One) and the Digital Camcorder (ClipThree). These objects have been sighted and videotaped forfour months now, and there doesn’t seem to be an end to thisphenomenon.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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