For severely obese people who have trouble losing weight even when they stick to reduced-calorie diets, the explanation may lie in a surprising place?their muscles. Skeletal muscle retains a metabolic memory of obesity that “programs” it to amass fat. What to do? Exercise may be the key, and you don’t need to do aerobics?a nice brisk walk every day will do the trick. Want more diet tips?all based on solid science? Read Anne Strieber’s diet book?one chapter will be posted on this website every Monday. According to a new article in the journal Cell Metabolism, the fat-building enzyme SCD-1 is three times more abundant in muscle taken from obese people than in muscle from those who are lean. Researchers examined muscle removed from lean and obese patients during surgery. The researchers say, “Compelling evidence indicates that deviant nutrition during critical developmental periods can impose imprinted metabolic adaptations that persist into adulthood.” What does this mean? It means that metabolic syndrome is real?that babies who are not breast fed exclusively for at least six months tend to become obese adults. There?s also evidence that breast feeding helps prevent breast cancer in their mothers.

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