The town of Cannock Chase in the UK Midlands is a high strangeness hotspot, and now a huge UFO has crossed the area emitting a powerful rumbling sound. On the night of March 24 at approximately 9PM local time, residents were startled by a loud noise coming from the sky. They rushed out of their homes to see an enormous dark shape defined by three red lights moving slowly over the area. The general consensus is that it must have been some sort of secret drone, perhaps being flown from a US aircraft carrier that had recently arrived in the nearby port of Portsmouth. But there are significant problems with this explanation.

The carrier was the 100,000 ton Theodore Roosevelt, which anchored offshore because of its size. The US military has a policy of not flying testbed aircraft over populated areas, and there is no drone in the inventory that fits the profile of what was reported. The UK military has a similar policy, and does not test aircraft over populated areas. However, if it was a classified aircraft that is in the inventory in either country, it could have been cleared to fly over a populated area.

The device was large and loud, suggesting the possibility of a dirigible that was not using a legal system of running lights, which would have included safety strobes. However, one resident said that it "flew directly over our house, made a sharp left turn and carried on." Another resident said, "my house was rumbling, and I’m still shaking. It was slow and it was huge."

Dirigibles and blimps cannot make sharp turns, but the sound of the craft "like a World War II bomber" suggests conventional engines. Unfortunately, no video or audio record of the object has surfaced, so cannot have audio and video experts delve into the case. However, the work of local paranormal investigator Lee Brickley identifies Crannock Chase as an area of extraordinary high strangeness.

In recent years, there have been numerous reports of low flying UFOs emitting buzzing or rumbling noises. For example a 2014 case in Florida has elements similar to the Cannock Chase case. The Florida event took place at 10:15 PM on September 15, 2014, in the seaside town of Ponce Inlet. A resident reported to MUFON that "it was unusual, unlike anything we ever heard before,” the witness stated. “It was so loud it caused alarm. So we immediately went outside. Several neighbors went outside to express concern and alarm. The dogs in the neighborhood were barking and then they got very quiet.” As the object passed over a nearby convenience store, all the power in the building went out, an effect observed in many UFO cases and attributed in the UK Ministry of Defense’s Condign Report to powerful electromagnetic emissions that are associated with what it calls "plasmas unknown to science."

On March 13, an anonymous witness reported to the US National UFO Reporting Center that he observed a low-flying UFO showing three running lights and emitting a loud humming sound. This event took place at 9 PM in Spring Branch, Texas. Spring Branch is also an area where frequent UFO events take place.

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