Now that summer is over, some of us may look in a full length mirror and realize that, as author Gail Sheehan once wrote, “everything is a couple of inches lower than it used to be.” This could be due to gravity, but it could also be the case if you played volleyball in a bathing suit, because according to a German surgeon, it can lead to sagging breasts in women and sagging testicles in men.

Even Olympic women’s volleyball teams wear bikinis, but now that this is known, they may begin wearing more sports clothes with supportive elastic. Volleyball on the beach is very popular in Germany and is sometimes even played topless.

However, plastic surgeon George Khoury says he’s seeing female clients who have come to him to have sagging breasts fixed that got that way from playing too much volleyball. Khoury says, “Vigorous movements and vibrations stretch the tissue around the breasts, which can lead to permanent sagginess. The female breasts, even small ones, were not made for swinging up and down 300 times within a short period of time, as happens in beach volleyball.”

You can reduce the harm by wearing a sports bra. Men should wear tight trunks, rather than boxers, to protect their testicles from the same kind of wear and tear. And men: If you did a lot of bike riding, you may be having other problems.

Did you do a lot of eating this summer? Anne Strieber has the solution for you!

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