Many of you have written us asking about Art Bell, and we’ve been concerned, too. Now he has reported in, and all is more than well with him. He’s living happily with Airyn inManila, but having trouble with customs and paperworkgetting the equipment he needs to return to the air. He hashad the flu and is just now regaining his strength.

Fantastically, he reports that he’s about to quit smoking.For those of us who know him well, we wish Airyn all bestwishes in having accomplished this, and hope that she willsurvive what are apt to be some tense weeks.

He says this of his move, “For those of you who may think Imade a mistake in this move, you are wrong; it is awonderful change that I will never be sorry for. The peoplehere are friendly in a way that you would have to travelback in time in the U.S. to match, perhaps to the 1950s orso. The cost of living is about 25% of what it is in theU.S. Everybody speaks English as a second language andEVERYTHING is written in English.”

He is now a Philippines resident and says that the countryis perfectly safe except for the south islands.

He will return to broadcasting and expects to be back on theair in what he describes as “a bit.” Now that he’s onPhilippine time, our guess is that this means anywhere froma few weeks to a month or so.

Whitley Strieber comments, “I’m very happy for Art. AfterRamona’s death, he was near death himself. He was suicidal,and I did not know which way he would turn. He has chosenlife, in his own surprising and creative way.” has a mission unique in this world.Join us and have a lot of fun doing it!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.

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