Edgar Mitchell has once again stated clearly that high ranking civilian and military officials have over the years confirmed to him the UFO phenomenon in part is the consequence of a non-human intelligence engaging the planet earth and the human race. He also says an extraterrestrial vehicle crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 placing in ET technology into the hands of the US Government. He made these provocative remarks on Larry King Live on July 4th and again on a London radio show on July 23rd. Stephen Bassett, a spokesman for Mitchell, says, “Dr. Mitchell is only the tip of the iceberg. There are scores of military and civilian agency witnesses ready to testify under oath before a congressional hearing and reveal the most important information in human history to a public that no longer believes anything the US Government has to say on this matter. But to be quite blunt, the very fact a man of Dr. Mitchell’s stature and accomplishments has repeatedly asserted the reality of an extraterrestrial presence is in and of itself sufficient basis for full hearings, and furthermore, every political and science reporter from every paper of record in this nation should be on the phone to this man today.”

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