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Sonia Barrett returns to Dreamland to discuss disease and body frequencies, the holographic model of consciousness, our evolving souls and much more. Once again, a series of powerful encounter experiences preceded the taping of the show. These involved a possible wider knowledge of the visitors, something along the lines of what is popularly called “disclosure.” Not government disclosure, though. Visitor disclosure.

Don’t miss the new documentary the Business of Disease! To watch the trailer, click here.

Over the years, Sonia has provided some very unique Dreamland experiences, and is one of the few guests whose appearance was associated with a close encounter. (To read Whitley’s 2013 Journal about this, click here.) Subscribers can also listen to Whitley and Anne discuss the experience with Sonia on an all-time classic Dreamland available here.

In this great new show, she takes us down the road to a healthier lifestyle and a stronger soul.

Why has Sonia been singled out in the way that she has? Whitley suggests an answer in his 2013 Journal:

So I have to ask, ‘why Sonia?’ I think that it’s clear enough that she’s been singled out. I think I know why: it’s because of what she talks about and how she does it. Her message is about the matrix of reality and how it is programmable. She has a knack for explaining this in a very clear manner, and that’s why I think that attention is being called to her.

Sonia’s websites: SpiritinForm and therealSoniaBarrett

Dreamland Video podcast
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  1. It’s difficult to arrive at
    It’s difficult to arrive at any conclusion over what is best for the planet and manifest lifeforms as we currently understand them. It’s possible that so many people will come to a troubled end, so quickly, that there will, inevitably, be questions like, “why didn’t the visitors help?”.

    Perhaps we have to meet them half way, to help build this bridge. In building and then subsequently stepping onto the bridge, we may step over our earthly questions of why and why not.

    When this bridge becomes a living bridge, it is so universal, so normal, that it’s hard to imagine the stone-faced way ‘we used to be’, though we remember it well. For all the extra quandaries and doubts that stepping further into the light entails, there is little choice to be made. All is confronted and seen. Seeing is moving forward and in moving forward we embrace the circle of life.

    Sonia is helping to confront some of the questions that are less than obvious in their mechanical nature. Mechanics often blind the simplicity of soul-sense that thrives when we look, and move, forward.


  2. Sonia Barrett, for me, is
    Sonia Barrett, for me, is spot on. I moved into town recently after 13 years in the country. My house, neighborhood is swimming in wifi. I feel disempowered alot of the time from what I used to be able to do. Its disruptive. Other than a faraday cage, Im unsure what to do to build barriers to stop the intrusion.

    1. I appreciate your message,
      I appreciate your message, Harley, to which I’ve posted a response.

  3. Harley Gaus’ reply prompted,
    Harley Gaus’ reply prompted, what I think, is a very important point for me. His relocation from a rural to urban setting, prompted me to think that perhaps, I’m living the converse. I’ve been an urban dweller for decades–all my life, which brings Sonia Barrett’s point to life: Whatever period on (the timeline of humanity) you’re born in is what you know; you have no primary knowledge of what life was like 50 years ago or what it will be in the future. The zeitgeist of one’s existence is what one perceives as normal.

    Therefore, my urban life is normal though I’m likely off-kilter and don’t realize it. I owe it to my life on earth and to my grandchildren and nieces and nephews (13 total) to commune with nature –soon–walk barefoot on a beach, stare at a ‘green’ leaf (the best healing technique I’ve ever heard–thanks, Sonia!). I’ve far-removed from the days when I would take pilgrimages to remote parks, nature centers, beaches; I’ve been shut-up in my physical body; time to reconnect with my body electric.

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