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For many years, the UFO encounter at RAF/Bentwaters in the UK has been the source of controversy. It has been dismissed by government-connected skeptics such as the BBC and most US media as “a lighthouse” and as “car lights.” Already, Linda Howe has recorded testimony from eyewitness that bring the lies to an end. The event ofhappened,and it was indeed a close encounter of the third kind. Now, listen to the most astounding eyewitness testimony of all, that makes it clear that this is the single most important UFO case of all time.

Now, another witness, Staff Sergeant Monroe Nevels comes forward with the extraordinary story of”an airman being taken by a spacecraft” BEFORE the main Bentwaters incident even happened on December 27.

He relates a direct personal encounter with a being or craft that you will literally never forget.

Want justice for the men who experienced this, and an end to government lying about it? Join their Facebook group here.

Don’t miss a single day of Linda Moulton Howe’s great Click here.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.

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