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Alex Jones was unable to do his interview with Jim Marrs for Dreamland this week, so instead we get to listen to Whitley Strieber have a terrific discussion with one of the leading physicists of our era and a leading favorite on Coast to Coast and Dream–Michio Kaku.

What’s so exciting about this is that Michio has not been on Dreamland in many years, and this is the first time that William Henry and Whitley Strieber have had the opportunity to interview him. Dr. Kaku’s website is

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.

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1 Comment

  1. Michio said that his book
    Michio said that his book “Physics of the impossible” was 18th on the NY times bestsellerlist. he also has SIX books that are popular enough to be available in libraries. Science IS popular

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